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According to the Anti-Terrorism Act, Combat veterans with mental and physical impairments from explosive devices including IEDs, EFPs, IRAMs, and more are eligible for compensation from the Anti-Terrorism Litigation Fund with the help of a skilled Combat Injury Attorney.

Any veteran, service member, or civilian contractor injured due to the efforts of terrorists between 2006 and 2011 may be eligible to file a claim for compensation.

If you suffered a combat-related injury, contact our team of combat injury attorneys today. Scheduling your free case evaluation with our team is your first step to getting the recovery you deserve. Filing a lawsuit through the Anti-Terrorism Litigation Fund can provide some form of compensation for your pain and suffering.

The Carlson Law Firm is a veteran-owned and operated law firm headquartered near Fort Cavasos, Texas. Our combat injury attorneys have more than 40 years of experience representing active duty, veterans, and civilians across the nation. Our firm is one of the most respected advocates for the military within the legal community.

What is the Anti-Terrorism Act?

The Anti-Terrorism Act gives certain veterans and families the right to sue for combat injuries or death.

In 1992, the U.S. passed the comprehensive Anti-Terrorism Act. This broad-reaching act allows U.S. nationals to sue for injuries that were “by reason of an act of international terrorism.”

Under provisions of the Anti-Terrorism Act, victims of terrorism may sue “any person who aids and abets, by knowingly providing substantial assistance, or who conspires with the person who committed such an act of international terrorism.”

18 USC § 2333. Civil Remedies

(a) Action and Jurisdiction – Any national of the United States injured in his or her person, property, or business by reason of an act of intentional terrorism, or his or her estate, survivors, or heirs, may sue therefor in any appropriate district court of the United States and shall recover threefold the damages he or she sustains and the cost of the suit, including attorney’s fees.

In enacting this law, Congress found that:

“(1) international terrorism is a serious and deadly problem that threatens the vital interests of the United States;…

“(6) some foreign terrorist organizations, acting through affiliated groups or individuals, raise significant funds within the United States, or use the United States as a conduit for the receipt of funds raised in other nations; and

“(7) foreign organizations that engage in terrorist activity are so tainted by their criminal conduct that any contribution to such an organization facilitates that conduct.”

“(b) Purpose. – The purpose of this subtitle [subtitle A (Secs.301-303) of title III of Pub. L. 104-132, enacting this section and section 1189 of Title 8, Aliens and Nationality] is to provide the Federal Government the fullest possible basis, consistent with the Constitution, to prevent persons within the United States, or subject to the jurisdiction of the United States, from providing material support or resources to foreign organizations that engage in terrorist activities.”

If you believe you qualify for combat injury compensation, contact our skilled combat injury attorneys today.

What is the Anti-Terrorism Litigation Fund?

While the anti-terrorism litigation fund is just getting started, there have been successful cases that used the act before. The Anti-Terrorism Litigation Fund was designed by Congress to award compensation to U.S. Nationals who were injured, disabled, or killed by illicitly funded explosive devices produced by international state-sponsored terrorism groups.

Who is Eligible to File a Combat Injury Lawsuit?

Under the U.S. Anti-Terrorism Act, veterans and service members injured or killed by explosive devices in the wars in Iraq or Afghanistan may be eligible for compensation from the anti-terrorism litigation fund.

Anti-Terrorism Act lawsuit plaintiffs can be:

  • Veterans with mental impairments
  • Veterans with physical injuries
  • Civilian Contractors
  • Dependent children
  • Survivors, family members, ex-spouses

Veterans and their family members who were injured by the following devices may be eligible for money damages:

  • Explosively Formed Penetrator (EFP)
  • Improvised Explosive Devices (IED)
  • Improvised Rocket-Assisted Munitions (IRAM)

Explosively formed penetrators (EFP) may be called many different things. Essentially the terminology has become interchangeable with IEDs and other terms. If you aren’t sure what type of device caused your injuries, our legal team can investigate this matter on your behalf.

If the affected veteran is alive, the veteran will be the plaintiff in the injured veterans’ lawsuit. If the veteran died while serving overseas, the survivors will be the plaintiff in the terrorism lawsuit. Survivors include children, family members, spouses, and in some cases, ex-spouses.

Iraq & Afghanistan war veterans with mental and physical impairments from IEDs, EFPs, IRAMs, and more may be eligible for compensation. Contact a combat injury attorney today for a free case evaluation.

Common Injuries Caused By Explosive Devices

Tens of thousands of American veterans, service members, contractors, and families have been harmed by state-sponsored terrorism. In fact, Iranian-sponsored terrorists were responsible for the major of U.S. casualties in Iraq. For those who don’t lose their lives, the most common roadside bomb injuries include:

  • Broken bones
  • Loss of limb
  • Traumatic brain injury
  • Polytrauma (multiple traumatic injuries)
  • Blast injuries
  • Spinal cord injury
  • Vision loss
  • Post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD)

Plaintiffs in the Iraq War Fund cases also include families, survivors, and dependents of veterans and contractors. Spouses, parents, siblings, and children have legal rights under the Anti-Terrorism Act. Contact The Carlson Law Firm to schedule a free case evaluation with a combat injury attorney

Will I lose my VA Disability Compensation If I participate?

No. The anti-terrorism litigation fund will not affect your VA Disability Compensation. These lawsuits are completely separate from your VA Disability Compensation claim.

Your eligibility for the anti-terrorism litigation fund and VA Disability Compensation have no bearing on each other. They won’t be filed together, they won’t be in the same court, and they will each have different evidentiary requirements.

How Much Does It Cost To Participate in the Lawsuit?

Our attorneys operate on a contingency fee basis – therefore, you do not own us any money unless your case is won. To put it another way, with a contingency fee, payment for your attorney’s services is “contingent upon” receiving some amount of compensation. Your attorney will take an agreed-upon percentage of your recovery, should you be given compensation.

What are the Different Types of Roadside Bombs?

Roadside bombs come in several forms. All of the weapons can be deadly or catastrophic to anyone nearby. The following weapons are responsible for the most common deaths and injuries in present-day warzones:

  • Explosively formed penetrators (EFP)
  • Improvised explosive devices (IED)
  • Improvided rocket-assist munition
  • Rocket-propelled  grenades

If you or a loved one suffered a roadside bomb injury while serving in Iraq or Afghanistan, contact a combat injury attorney at The Carlson Law Firm. We have an experienced terrorism lawsuit attorney ready to assist you. You deserve compensation for your injuries. A terrorism lawsuit attorney can help get the recovery you deserve and secure favorable compensation. Take the first step to rebuild your life and schedule a free consultation with a Carlson Law Firm roadside bomb lawsuit attorney.

What is an EFP?

Explosively formed penetrators (EFPs) are among the most deadly and destructive weapons used against U.S. troops in Iraq and Afghanistan. EFPs are powerful enough to penetrate and destroy Humvees and breach tank hulls. In fact, improvised explosive devices (IEDs) are responsible for half to two-thirds of Americans killed or wounded in Iraq and Afghanistan.

Explosively formed penetrators were dubbed “superbombs” because of their lethality. EFPs are a type of improvised explosive device that had enormous effects on the U.S. Military in war zones. These types of IEDs are self-forging warheads designed to effectively penetrate armor. Part of their deadliness is that fire in a similar way to canons.

An EFP starts as a shallow metal plate back by an explosive charge. When fired, the explosive charge deforms a concave metal plate into a slug or rod shape. As the shape forms, the plate accelerates toward an intended target. EFPs can breach can tank armor 300 feet away. Additionally, these types of IEDs detonate with a force capable of traveling more than a mile per second.

What are Explosively Formed Penetrators (EFPs) Made of?

Most explosively formed penetrators are made of copper. However, in recent years there has been an increase in EFPs made from tantalum. Tantalum is twice as dense as copper, making it a much more effective and preferred penetrator. Additionally, some EFPs are made from Iron.

In 2007, President George W. Bush confirmed that EFPs were made in Iran and exported to Iraq. However, in reality, U.S. troops raided a Baghdad machine shop and found copper disks—meaning, Iraqi insurgents had no need to rely on Iran as a source of EFPs.

History of Explosively Formed Penetrators (EFPs)

A deadly form of a roadside bomb, known as explosively formed penetrators (EFPs), put U.S. military service members and contractors at increased risk each and every day while they were bravely serving their country overseas. We now know that enemy forces would not have been able to manufacture these deadly explosive devices without the aid of certain international banks that masked wire transactions to help fund terrorist groups.

Whereas most roadside bombs send energy and shrapnel in all directions, EFPs work more like cannons. Insurgents make the devices from commonplace items, including steel and PVC pipe. In addition, explosives are sealed with a copper disk. The device shoots out fist-sized wads of nearly-molten copper that can penetrate the armor on an Abrams tank.

The Bush administration alleged in 2007 that Iran was responsible for the arrival of EFP bombs in Iraqi war zones. U.S. officials alleged Lebanese militia group Hezbollah learned how to build the bombs from its Iranian allies, and then provided anti-American groups in Iraq with EFPs and the tools needed to build their own.

Some of the world’s most powerful banks knowingly funded Hezbollah terror operations. These institutions concealed billions of dollars in transactions with their Iranian sponsors, a Brooklyn federal lawsuit charges.

Eventually landing in Hezbollah’s hands, Iranian money aided in “planning and perpetrating the murder and maiming of hundreds of Americans in Iraq during the same time the conspiracy was proceeding,” according to the suit.

If you or a loved suffered an EPF injury while serving in Iraq or Afghanistan, contact a combat injury attorney at The Carlson Law Firm. You can hold these banks accountable for your injuries and your losses as a result of these banks’ illegal activities. We have a qualified EFP injury lawsuit lawyer who can help you get the compensation and recovery you deserve.

What is an IED?

Iran reportedly supplied several different kinds of ammunitions in the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan including EFPs, IEDs, and RAMS.

An IED is an Improvised Explosive Device that employs a detonating mechanism. They are often used as roadside bombs. IEDs were widely employed in both the Iraq and Afghanistan wars and were responsible for a large share of coalition deaths. From the beginning of the Iraq War through 2007, IEDs were used in 63 percent of coalition deaths. In the Afghanistan War, from 2001 to the present, 66 percent of the deaths were caused by IEDs. Those injured by IEDs may qualify for an IED lawsuit. Contact The Carlson Law Firm today for a free case evaluation to see if you qualify. Compensation is available.

If you or a loved suffered an IED injury while serving in Iraq or Afghanistan, contact a combat injury attorney at The Carlson Law Firm. You can hold these banks accountable for your injuries and your losses as a result of these banks’ illegal activities. We have a qualified IED injury lawsuit lawyer who can help you get the compensation and recovery you deserve.

Why Call Carlson? Our Experience Fighting for Veterans

The Carlson Law Firm has been fighting for the rights of injured veterans and their families across the nation for over 30 years. We are a veteran-owned and operated law firm headquartered at Fort Hood, Texas.

For over 40 years, The Carlson Law Firm has made its home in the Killeen-Fort Hood Area. As a result, we have represented thousands of military service members and their families. In addition, many of our attorneys began their legal careers in the military. We have grown beyond the Killeen-Fort Hood area but continue to represent America’s bravest and their families with the same fearless determination displayed by our nation’s armed forces.

Many members of our legal team are former service members themselves, including Managing Partner and Founder Craig Carlson.

The Carlson Law Firm’s combat injury attorneys are some of the most respected advocates for veterans within the legal community. Our team has a commitment to obtaining the maximum level of benefits for our clients in every possible way.

Contact The Carlson Law Firm today for a free, no-obligation consultation for your combat injury lawsuit today. Scheduling your free case evaluation with a terrorism lawsuit attorney is your first step to getting the recovery you deserve.

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