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Valsartan Claims

If you took Valsartan and were diagnosed with one of the following cancers, contact us as soon as possible for a free case review: Liver cancer Esophageal cancer Colorectal cancer Small Intestine Stomach cancer Please fill out the form below…

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Military AT&T Claims

The Carlson Law Firm is investigating AT&T for deceptive practices against military service members and their families.  Please fill out the form below and a member of our team will contact you. 

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Contact a FELA Lawyer from The Carlson Law Firm.

Federal Employer Liability Act Lawyer

FELA Lawyers for Injured Railroad Workers Being injured while doing railroad work can lead to significant injuries that can put you out of work for months, years or indefinitely. However, because railroad work is some of the most dangerous work…

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Bronchiolitis Obliterans Lawsuit

Bronchiolitis Obliterans Lawsuit

Diacetyl exposure in the workplace can lead to a rare and life-threatening lung disease called bronchiolitis obliterans that can be caused by the inhalation of diacetyl or 2,3 pentanedione, chemicals used for flavoring food products. If you develop lung disease…

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Benzene Exposure Lawsuit Attorney

Benzene Exposure Lawsuit Attorney

Benzene is a known carcinogen, which means it can cause specific types of cancer. Workers exposed to significant quantities of benzene are at risk for certain illnesses and may be eligible for compensation. According to the Centers for Disease Control…

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Exposed is a dangerous substance that leads to mesothelioma, contact a skilled Asbestos lawyer for help.

Asbestos Exposure Lawsuit

The World Health Organization estimates that around 125 million workers were exposed to asbestos in the workplace. Further, it estimates that at least 107,000 people die worldwide from exposure to the substance each year. Those who were exposed to asbestos…

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