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As of December 20, 2023, The Carlson Law Firm is no longer taking Tylenol clients. Please refer to your state bar to find legal representation.

Our Product Liability Attorneys are reviewing Tylenol autism lawsuits for hundreds of parents in all 50 states. Parents who took acetaminophen for more than 30 days and have a child diagnosed with autism may pursue legal justice. 

Potentially thousands of parents will file lawsuits against Tylenol manufacturers for the drug’s link to autism. There is strong scientific evidence suggesting Tylenol, the widely used pain-killer during pregnancy, increases the likelihood of having a baby with autism. 

Parents whose children were diagnosed with autism could eventually receive significant settlements.

Research Links Tylenol to Autism

Several peer-reviewed studies have shown that exposure to acetaminophen during pregnancy increases the likelihood of autism. 

Specifically, research from Johns Hopkins University Bloomberg School of Public analyzed data from the Boston Birth Cohort. The Boston Birth Cohort is a long-term study of factors influencing pregnancy and child development. 

Through measuring the amount of acetaminophen and two of its byproducts in samples collected from umbilical cord blood, researchers found that, on average, by the time children were 8.9 years old, 6.6% were diagnosed with Autism Spectrum Disorder.

Further, the authors of the study classified the amount of acetaminophen and its by-products into thirds, from lowest to highest. Compared to children exposed to the least amount of acetaminophen in utero, those with middle-third exposure were 2 times more likely to develop autism. Similarly, those in the highest exposure group were 3 times as likely to develop autism. 

The 2019 study concluded that the results support previous studies linking acetaminophen exposure in the womb to autism and underscored the need for additional research.

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As of December 20, 2023, The Carlson Law Firm is no longer taking Tylenol clients. Please refer to your state bar to find legal representation.

As of December 20, 2023, The Carlson Law Firm is no longer taking Tylenol clients. Please refer to your state bar to find legal representation.

Tylenol Lawsuit Case Updates

December 2023 – Oral Arguments

As of this month, there are nearly 450 plaintiffs enrolled in the Tylenol autism MDL. This number is expected to grow after the December 7 Daubert hearing.

November 2023 – Daubert Hearing Scheduled

Judge Chote set the Tylenol Autism Lawsuit hearing for December 7, 2023. Both sides will present their oral argument, however, the judge will not be hearing testimony from the expert witnesses from the plaintiffs.

A ruling on the matter is not expected until early 2024.

October 2023 – Daubert Hearing Preparation

In October 2023, significant developments occurred in the Tylenol autism MDL (multidistrict litigation). Key events included:

  1. October 18, 2023: Both plaintiffs and defendants filed Daubert challenges in federal court, objecting to each other’s expert testimonies. Daubert challenges are critical, as losing them can significantly impact a case. Responses to these challenges are awaited, with rulings expected by early 2024.
  2. October 17, 2023: The number of cases in the Tylenol autism MDL increased significantly, with 118 new cases added in less than a month, bringing the total to 383.
  3. October 9, 2023: Judge Cote requested both parties to submit proposals for the upcoming Daubert hearings, focusing on the logistics. The defendants proposed a week-long hearing to scrutinize the scientific evidence, while the plaintiffs suggested a shorter process and recommended that Judge Cote pre-select the experts to be heard.
  4. October 5, 2023: A study revealed that paracetamol (acetaminophen) taken during pregnancy might impact a baby’s brain development. This study, showing the drug’s effects on genes crucial for brain development, supported the plaintiffs’ stance. They sought to strengthen their case with supplemental expert reports based on this study, but the defendants objected, citing the untimeliness of these reports.
  5. October 2, 2023: The parties informed Judge Cote of the completion of revised Plaintiff Fact Sheets and the uploading of these into the case administration system. They also agreed on new health record authorization forms for easier collection of medical records from new plaintiffs.

These developments mark a critical phase in the litigation, with both sides actively contesting the scientific evidence and procedural aspects of the case.

September 2023 – Input From the FDA

In the Spring, Judge Cote asked the U.S. Federal Drug Administration for input on the acetaminophen warning label. The goal was to get an opinion on two things:

  1. Thoughts on the science of this litigation; and
  2. Whether or not the plaintiff’s proposed warning is warranted.

The deadline was July 28; however, the FDA asked for more time.

Judge Cote gave the agency a new deadline of Sept. 15. On Sept. 8, the fight for Tylenol autism victims saw a major win the FDA declined to submit a statement.

If the FDA had weighed in on the label and suggested there should not be a warning, Judge Cote could’ve dismissed all of the federal lawsuits.

August 2023 – No Dismissal for J&J

On Aug. 4, Johnson & Johnson’s appeal for a quick dismissal of cases linking acetaminophen to ASD-ADHD on the ground of preemption met with refusal, marking a noteworthy victory for the plaintiffs. J&J’s subsequent request for an interlocutory appeal certification was rejected, lacking the merits required for an immediate appeal.

Mid-August brought to light a joint letter submitted to Judge Cote by attorneys from both sides, delineating fifteen states where the plaintiffs would be unable to press charges of negligent misrepresentation based on omission, a move expected to have a negligible effect on the final outcomes of their respective cases.

The Daubert challenges took center stage on Aug. 21 when the judge allowed the defendants to present a consolidated brief opposing the plaintiffs’ expert witnesses, overriding the plaintiffs’ objections and underscoring the Daubert challenges as a linchpin issue in the lawsuit.

As the month neared its end, Aug. 24 emerged as a watershed moment, foretelling that the forthcoming rulings on the Daubert challenges by Judge Cote would be instrumental in determining the fate of the Tylenol autism lawsuits. The disposition of the scientific evidence linking acetaminophen to autism is at the heart of these challenges, with the plaintiffs’ expert witnesses presently undergoing deposition in anticipation of this key confrontation. A rejection by Judge Cote could mean the dismissal of a raft of Tylenol lawsuits in federal courts, while acceptance could coerce the defendants into settling the cases to bypass the peril of a colossal adverse verdict in a test trial.

Is Acetaminophen Safe during pregnancy? 

While acetaminophen in low doses is generally considered safe for pregnancy, health professionals have long warned about prolonged use of acetaminophen during pregnancy. The threshold for Tylenol Autism Lawsuits is 30 days of use. Long-term use of acetaminophen and autism is still being examined. The results may take years to become available.

Several risks come from an untreated fever during pregnancy. If you are running a fever or suffering in pain, consult with your doctor about the dangers of acetaminophen during pregnancy. 

What Neurological Disorders can a Child Develop from Tylenol Use During Pregnancy?

Studies have consistently concluded that acetaminophen use during pregnancy may increase the possibility of an autism diagnosis. 

Scientists and health professionals around the world indicate Tylenol use may contribute to the onset of disorders and symptoms such as: 

  • Autism 
  • Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder 
  • Language Delays 
  • Oppositional Defiant Disorder
  • Conduct Disorder
  • Decreased Executive Function
  • Decreased IQ levels

If your child was diagnosed with any of the above, it’s worth consulting with a Tylenol Autism Lawyer. Consultations are free. 

Why is Autism on the Rise?

There are several theories on why autism is one of the fastest-growing developmental disorders in the United States. Autism can be the effect of environmental factors, as well genetics, maternal characteristics and more. According to the National Institute on Mental Health, autism affects about 1 in 44 eight-year-old children.

Identifying the Signs of Autism

While studies suggest acetaminophen increases the likelihood of the above diagnoses, our law firm is currently only handling Tylenol claims related to Autism Spectrum Disorder. 

Autism Spectrum Disorder is a broad range of neurological disorders that usually involve challenges in social skills, repetitive behaviors and communication. Typically, the signs of autism become apparent in the first two years of life. 

There are disorders on the autism spectrum. While some autistic can live independently, others may need lifelong assistance for daily tasks. Disorders on the autism spectrum include the following: 

  • Autism Disorder (not otherwise specified)
  • Rett Syndrome
  • Kanner’s Syndrome
  • Asperger’s Syndrome
  • High-functioning Autism 
  • Pervasive developmental disorder (PDD-NOS)
  • Childhood disintegrative disorder

Is There a Lawsuit Against Tylenol for Autism?

While the Tylenol Autism Lawsuits are in the very early stages, our attorneys have begun filing cases for families affected by these negligent drug manufacturers. We are representing clients who used both name-brand and generic versions of Tylenol (acetaminophen) medications. 

Who can File an Acetaminophen Lawsuit?

Parents who took Tylenol or generic brands of acetaminophen products may qualify for product liability lawsuits against drug manufacturers. We are accepting clients who: 

  • Took Tylenol for 30 or more days during pregnancy 
  • Have a child medically diagnosed with Autism

Plaintiffs will have stronger claims if they can prove took Tylenol in high doses during pregnancy and they do not have a family history of autism, pregnancy complications or other potential likelihood factors. 

How much will a Tylenol Autism Lawyer Cost?

You will not pay any upfront fees to pursue a claim against acetaminophen manufacturers. Our attorneys work on contingency and will take fees out after we’ve successfully resolved your case through settlement or court. 

How much is a Tylenol Autism Claim Worth?

The Tylenol Autism Lawsuits are in the very early stages. Several factors can potentially affect the outcome of your claim. Be wary of settlement amounts or figures given online that some law firms are giving out to entice you to sign on with their firm.

How can I prove I used Tylenol During my Pregnancy?

If this question is stopping you from contacting our firm, don’t let it. We have a team of investigators who know the documentation you need to prove your claim. For example, our team will immediately gather medical records, credit card records or pharmacy purchase records.

Who is being sued in the Tylenol Autism Lawsuits?

For name brand Tylenol, these lawsuits will primarily be against Johnson & Johnson, the parent company of McNeil Consumer Products Co. In addition, there are several generic brand manufacturers, sellers and distributors who have been or will be named in potential lawsuits. Potential defendants include: 

  • Walmart 
  • Walgreens
  • Dollar General
  • H-E-B
  • Family Dollar 
  • Amazon
  • Bayer
  • Rite-Aid
  • Safeway
  • Kroger (Harris Teeter)
  • Big Lots
  • Costco

This is not an exhaustive list of potential defendants. However, any brand that sold acetaminophen faces potential legal action. 

How Can a Lawyer Help?

Pursuing a lawsuit against acetaminophen manufacturers will be a monumental undertaking. Parents must hire a team with the resources and knowledge to pursue these claims to ensure their families receive just compensation. 

Autism is not a monolith. There are varying degrees of autism and how much intervention an autistic person may need. In more severe cases, parents may have to figure out the proper interventions to help their autistic children navigate the world. These interventions are often costly. A Tylenol Autism Lawyer can help parents recoup some of the costs from past interventions, as well as set children up for long-term care plans. 

The product liability attorneys at The Carlson Law Firm know the dangers of acetaminophen—particularly when it comes to harming people who have taken it. Our firm has handled countless major lawsuits against companies that put their profits over the safety of people.

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